ICdoc pro
The documentation system ICdoc was developed in cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna and büll informatik gesmbh. The system includes many functions that allow the user to document the patients’ data, especially in intensive care units. Besides documenting the minimal data set, the system is able to calculate a variety of indices: e.g. SAPS 3, TRISS, and APACHE II as indicators of the severity of illness or TISS-A as an indicator of the level of care. By pressing a button, the program creates the data set for Austrian Ministry of Health.
ICdoc pro is not only a documentation system, but integrates also a complete data analysis module. Important numbers, such as the percentage of occupied beds, the number of patients per diagnostic group, or the level of care, can be displayed with just one click, either as reports or graphs. Because of the included report generator, it is easy to print these reports and to use them for managerial purposes.
ICdoc is based on the relational data bank system Oracle and offers thus all the integrating and security methods of this data bank. The section on “Installation requirements” contains further technical details.
It is of course possible to create special solutions, such as specific interfaces to other programs. Our technical partner, büll informatik gesmbh, would be pleased to help you. If any questions arise, please contact the technical hotline 0043 664 3762981.
Figure 1: Admission screen and patient list.
Figure 2: Example of an integrated automatic report.
Internal quality assurance with ICdoc pro
By internal quality assurance, we mean all measures to assure high quality standards in the hospital. Exact documentation and evaluation of the actual state forms the necessary prerequisite for being able to see differences between the actual state and a target state. The integration of basic statistics in ICdoc pro allows a simple and rapid evaluation of important characteristics, such as the percentage of beds occupied, service days or the quality of the results.